Virginia Rapoo 2.4g Wireless Device Driver
This page contains the driver installation download for RAPOO 2.4G Wireless Device in supported models (GA-880GM-UD2H) that are running a supported operating system. Update your computer's drivers using DriverMax, the free driver update tool - USB human interface device class - RAPOO - 2.4g Device Computer Driver Updates. Rapoo Technology, an expert in wireless. Thank you for buying a Rapoo product! You can download Drivers. Soft fabric cover;Reliable 2.4G wireless connection.
Hi syhussaini, 1. Have you made any recent changes on the computer? What happens when you connect the mouse to the computer? Do you have any software disk along with the mouse? Try to connect the receiver to a different port. Then, check the behavior of the device. By trying the receiver on a different port, you can eliminate any issues that affect the port itself.
If the issue continues to occur, test the mouse on a different computer in a different environment. If you can replicate the problem in a different environment, you may have a defective device.
Internet Wireless Device
Items such as wireless routers, radios, cell phones, desktop fans, fluorescent lights, and large metal objects like computer cases and metal furniture may interfere with the signal of the mouse. You may also reinstall the mouse drivers and check if it works. Hope this helps! Halima S - Microsoft Support. Visit our and let us know what you think.