Humate Soil Activator

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  1. Soil Activator Home Depot

NATURAL GUARD SOIL ACTIVATOR Humate improves tilth or workability of the soil. 2008 tutorial pdf. Heavy clay dirt becomes viable soil able to support a healthy plant. Soils where humate has been added will work or crumble easier and allow a better root system to estab-lish. Humate can reduce soil erosion on a slope by promoting desirable drainage and better.

Humate Soil Activator

Name: Humic Total Description: A soluble potassium humate powder for use on various crops to improve the soil structure. It provides the following benefits:. Enhanced root growth by improved soil structure and water holding capacity. Improved soil aeration. Stimulates activities of beneficial soil micro-organisms in rhizosphere. Assists in detoxification of soils. Stabilises nitrogen and improves nitrogen efficiency.

Soil Activator Home Depot

Natural chelating agent that aids nutrient uptake. Complexes with phosphate to reduce lock-up of this nutrient. Potassium content is available as a plant nutrient. Stabilizes soil pH. Improves soil wetting.

Restores soils to healthy and fertile conditions by aerating the soil and chelating micronutrients. As a, the presence of soil amendments such as humic, fulvic and ulmic acids break up compacted soils which makes the soil easier to work or till. It also increases aeration thus allowing the plant roots to grow bigger and stronger. As a soil conditioner for lawns, Jump Start strengthens the sod roots which allows the grass to green faster and become more drought tolerant.

This liquid soil conditioner allows crucial elements, such as nitrogen, bind to the soil preventing loss by run-off or gas-off. Because it is an organic soil conditioner, nothing is harmful to the environment. Jump Start Soil Conditioner is not a fertilizer but an organic liquid soil conditioner for lawns and gardens. Jump Start Soil Conditioner provides billions of beneficial bacteria, as well as, rich humates, carbon and other nutrients that microbes love.