Clonezilla 2.2.3 10
Clonezilla Live 2.2.3-10, a Linux distribution based on DRBL, Partclone, and udpcast that allows users to do bare metal backup and recovery, is now ready for download. The team released a new stable version of their operating system and made some important modifications to it, including a new Linux kernel. 'The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded.
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2014-05-20: NEW • Distribution Release: Clonezilla Live 2.2.3-10: Rate this project: Steven Shiau has released a new stable version of Clonezilla Live, a Debian. The strategic marketing plan. Clonezilla Live 2.2.3-7, a Linux distribution based on DRBL, Partclone, and udpcast that allows users to do bare metal backup and recovery, is now ready for testing. Forgot Account/Password. Submit Cancel.
This release is based on the Sid repository, as of May 18, 2014,' reads the official announcement. According to the changelog, the Linux kernel has been updated to version 3.14.4-1, drbl has been updated to version 2.8.25-drbl1, the clonezilla package has been updated to version 3.10.11-drbl1, a new package called diskscan has been added, the -b -batch -batch options are now accepted for ocs-restore-mdisks, a typo in the USAGE message has been fixed, and the boot media is no longer mounted again as read-write mode in ocs-live-sav.
Clonezilla Live is a Linux distribution that does only one thing: bare metal backup and recovery. It's very similar to other, older pieces of cloning software, such as True Image or Norton Ghost. A complete list of changes, improvements, and fixes can be found in the official. You can right now from Softpedia.
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A free Debian-based live CD containing Clonezilla, a partition and disk cloning software similar to Norton Ghost. Steven Shiau has released a new stable version of Clonezilla Live, a Debian-based live CD designed primarily for disk imaging and cloning tasks.
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The number beside each mirror below reflects the ratings given by other visitors, the higher the percentage the better the mirror. Would you like to receive an email when a new version of Clonezilla is released? Are you having a problem downloading Linux from LQ ISO? Let us and we'd be happy to address the issue. X86 md5sum ISO 1 (95 downloads) 852125adbde75b42334e15 ISO 2 (41 downloads) 0263a6c7d1c2001c763ecc7d15546729 ISO 3 (14 downloads) ba8cf3882cb79aab92d1cc ISO 4 (11 downloads) 1c9c19db528d933c62e672e7983f8ad7 United States HTTP SourceForge Main Mirror x8664 md5sum ISO 1 (81 downloads) 9889b53096eb4175e5f97b ISO 2 (14 downloads) 8dd0adde9633d7735fb016 United States HTTP SourceForge Main Mirror.