Ar 5 20 Commercial Activities Program

Ar 5 20 Commercial Activities Program Rating: 4,8/5 4087 votes

Department of the Army and the Air Force *NGR 601-1 National Guard Bureau Arlington. Program (in AR 11-2. Commercial Training 5-24. Distance Learning.

Facts Question Answer 2.What is the mission of ASAP? The ASAP’s mission is to strengthen the overall fitness and effectiveness of the Army’s total workforce and to enhance the combat readiness of its Soldiers.

4.What is meant by deglamorization of alcohol? Personnel will not promote any function glamorizing the use of alcohol through drinking contests, games, initiations, or the awarding of alcoholic beverages as prizes in contests.

5.What army Regulation covers ASAP? AR 600-85 15.What Does ACS stand for? Army Community Service 16.What does the ACS symbol represent? The heart = giving, the cross = help, the gyroscope = stability 17.What is the ACS mission statement?

Facilitate commander’s ability to provide comprehensive, coordinated, and responsive services that support readiness of soldiers, civilian employees and their families. Maximize technology and resources, adapt to unique installation requirements, eliminate duplication in service delivery, and measure service effectiveness. 18.What Army regulation covers ACS? AR 608-1 19.How is ACS staffed for the most part? By volunteers. More Question Answer 20.What is the motto of the ACS? Self-help, service and stability.

23.What regulation covers the ACES? AR 621-5 24.What regulation covers Army Learning Centers? AR 621-6 25.What are the goals of ACES? Develop confident,competent leaders.

26.What does TABE stand for? Test ofAdult Basic Education 31.What does DANTES stand for? Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support 35.What does SOC stand for? Service members Opportunity Colleges 37.AER closely coordinates with what other organization? American Red Cross.

More Question Answer 38.What is AER? AER is a private, nonprofit organization to collect and hold funds to relieve distress of members of the Army and their dependents. AER provides emergency financial assistance to soldiers (active and retired) and their families in time of distress. 39.What does AER stand for?

Army Emergency Relief 40.What is the Army Regulation that covers AER? AR 930-4 43.How are monetary contributions made to AER? Cash,check or allotment 44.When is the AER annual fund campaign held army-wide? March 01through May 15 45.How does AER provide financial assistance? AER provides financial assistance by either a loan without interest, a grant or a combination of both 46.What is the purpose of AER?

She has seen both these dreams come true. Bossypants book description: Before Liz Lemon, before “Weekend Update,” before “Sarah Palin,” Tina Fey was just a young girl with a dream: a recurring stress dream that she was being chased through a local airport by her middle-school gym teacher. She also had a dream that one day she would be a comedian on TV. Bossypants tina fey pdf.

AER provides emergency financial assistance to soldiers (active and retired) and their families in time of distress. 49.What is the AER Motto? 'Helping the Army Take Care Of its Own'. More Question Answer 51.How is AER funded?

Through Voluntary Contributions from Soldiers (tax free), through unsolicited contributions, repayments of loans, and income from investments. 57.More than half of sexual assault offenses include what?

Alcohol 58.Prevention of sexual harassment is whose responsibility? The Commander’s Responsibility 65.What does EO stand for? Equal Opportunity 66.What is an EOR? EqualOpportunity Representative 69.What Army Regulation covers the EO program? AR 600-20 chapter 6 72.Soldiers are required to have how many periods of EO training per year? 4 (1 each quarter) 79.Who is the primary source for solving EO complaints?

Grade 5 Activities

Your Unit Chain of Command. More Question Answer 82.Does every unit have an EO representative?

Yes, each Commander is required to appoint an EOR in the rank of SGT (P) through 1LT. 83.What does AFAP stand for?

Army Family Action Plan 84.What Army Regulation covers the Army Family Action Plan? AR 608-47 95.What are some activities that the American Red Cross offers? CPR instruction, Blood drives, Swimming lessons, Communication services (by wire), Financial assistance, Counseling and referral services, Transplantation services, AIDS education, Health and safety services. 96.How is the ARC staffed for the most part? By volunteers 98.What Army Regulation covers Red Cross? AR 930-5 99.What Army Regulation covers the Army Retention Program? AR 601-280 101.What is an SRB?

Selective Reenlistment Bonus. More Question Answer 102.What is the minimum number of years that a soldier must reenlist for to be eligible for an SRB? Three years 111.Who is responsible for the Army Safety Program? It is the responsibility of each soldier 112.The word SAFETY is often associated with what term?

Ar 5 20 Commercial Activities Program

Risk Management 113.What accounts for the majority of accidents? Carelessness 114.Accidents are reported in accordance with what regulation? AR 385-40 118.What AR covers safety? AR 385-10 129.What does QOLP stand for? Quality Of Life Program 132.Who is the senior enlisted advisor to the BOSS council, and approves members selected to serve on BOSS committees? The Installation Command Sergeant Major 138.What is CHAMPUS?

Civilian Health And Medical Program for the Uniformed Services. It is a cost-sharing program that is used to provide in-patient and outpatient care for dependents from civilian sources.

More Question Answer 139.What Army regulation covers CHAMPUS? AR 40-121 141.What Does DEERS stand for? Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System. 142.What is DEERS used for? To obtain dependent ID cards for eligible spouse and children 143.What does NCODP stand for?

Number 5 Activities

Non commissioned Officer Development Program 144.What is the goal of NCODP? Overarching Army Non commissioned Officer Professional Development Program. 145.As with all leader training and leader development, who is responsible for NCODP? 146.NCODP is typically managed by whom? The CSMor Senior NCO in the organization. 148.What Army Regulation covers NCODP? AR 350-1 Chap 4 149.What is the purpose of AR 350-1?

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This regulation prescribes policies, procedures, and responsibilities for developing, managing, and conducting Army training and leader development.